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  • 2024-08-06

    Our partnership with Shepherds Of Good Hope Ottawa

    Check out our latest REEL, where we showcase our heartfelt partnership with Shepherds Of Good Hope in Ottawa. In this video, we distribute RISE UP Bags filled with crucial items like gift cards, sanitary products, clothing, and Narcan (to name a few). This initiative is a testament to our ongoing commitment to supporting those in need. We were honored to be part of this effort and are excited about continuing this important work. Watch to see how we're making a difference and stay tuned for future updates on our collaboration!
    A special shout out to Card for Change, Giving Gertie, and to everyone who donates or purchases products from our foundation. Your generosity makes a significant impact.
    Together, let’s keep RISING UPπŸ™πŸ’‹

  • 2024-06-24

    Jodi and Jillian Talk About The Jordan Leigh Foundation

    Join us, Jodi and Jillian as we share the heartfelt inspiration behind The Jordan Leigh Foundation. In this video, we discuss the mission to break the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction, and how you can join our efforts to make a difference.
    The RISE UP Collection isn't just about products; it's another way to donate while receiving something tangible in return. Every sale generates proceeds for The Jordan Leigh Foundation, enabling us to create partnerships and drive meaningful change.

    Join us in making a difference with every purchase. <3

  • The Jordan Leigh Foundation On Rogers Daytime Ottawa News With Derick Fage

    The Jordan Leigh Foundation On Rogers Daytime Ottawa News With Derick Fage

    On Monday, May 27th, we had the incredible opportunity to be featured in a 7-minute interview on Rogers Daytime Ottawa News with Derick Fage. We showcased some of our beautiful products, discussed our nonprofit and the inspiration behind starting it, talked about our upcoming partnerships, and highlighted our GIVEAWAY contest. We are so thankful for this experience and the chance to share our mission with a wider audience.
    Stay tuned for more exciting updates! πŸ’‹

  • 2024-05-17

    Handing out RISE UP bags to the homeless community of Toronto

    On April 11th, 2024, the Jordan Leigh Foundation traveled to Toronto to distribute our RISE UP bags filled with essential items to the homeless community.

    We partnered with Reedinthestreets, who graciously guided us through the city and documented the event on video.

    Too often, people experiencing homelessness are overlooked, despite being the ones who need help the most. Assisting the homeless is crucial because it addresses immediate needs and provides dignity, hope, and a sense of community to those who are often marginalized. By offering support and essential resources, we can help pave the way for long-term solutions.

    This initiative would not have been possible without the support shown to The RISE UP Collection and the generous donations we received. A big thank you to our supporters for rising up! πŸ’‹

    This achievement is as much yours as it is ours. πŸ™

    Lets continue to do important work together! πŸ’ͺ

  • 2024-03-15

    INTRODUCING: The RISE UP Collection!! πŸ’‹

    Join us, Jodi and Jillian, as we share our passion for positive change and empowerment.
    This collection isn't just about products; it's about spreading inspiration and lifting each other up.
    Discover the story behind our journey and the meaningful products we've curated to make a difference.
    Every purchase helps our non profit, The Jordan Leigh Foundation, dedicated to breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and addiction. Let’s RISE UP together!